There are pros and cons of technology however. Talking in person also has some pros and cons like having the to go to their house,there to talk to them and also ask them questions. Although they bear some minor similarities,the differences between technology and communication are clear.
There are some similarities between communicating with technology and in person,the differences between technology and communication are clear. In both ways you are communicating with everyone, and when you say something that might be offensive or misunderstood be sure to go to the person’s house or tell them that you did not mean to say that it was a ‘accident sorry. When your face to face to them you can see their reaction,and when your texting or calling them your can’t see their feeling or how they react to what your have just said. That is the similarities between communicating in person and on the computer.
Here are some differences between communicating in person and communicating with technology. If you in person you have to be in the same room,but if you are on your computer you can text call. However,when you use technology you can talk to them easier and faster,in person it takes harder and longer. One other thing it that you can just text them,but if you talk to them you get to see how they react.
Now I am going to give you some more differences,like if you call them you can talk to them worldwide,but in person you have to go to their house and cannot talk to them worldwide. With technology you can talk to them worldwide,but if you are in person you have to get permission plus with technology you don’t need permission. That is some differences between communicating in person and communicating in technology.