Reflection of ‘Out of My Mind’

She wants to fit in


people laugh at her

and they make fun of her

then they left her and

went on the plane without her

they gave her the trophy and she

broke it she thought she did not deserve it

now she realized that she is the same

as everyone else then Penny comes back home with scratches

and bruises and there spoiling her rotten.

How does Melody change in the story.

Melody changes in a lot of ways in out of my mind for some good reasons some bad reasons but she never hated the people around her.When she gets a little sister ”she did not like it so much because she is seeing what she cannot do.Then she gets a dog named Butterscotch and she likes her new dog.”she loved the new dog “I think she made a sigh of satisfaction.”She got the med-talker from her parents and Mr.V.She gets to talk to everyone now “Me and my med-talker talk to everyone now– Claire too.”Melody acts differently to the people in Out Of My Mind every chapter you read.Then you can see that melody and other people like her are smart and you can learn a lesson from this book about being kind.Then you learn that even disabled people can be as smart as people with normal functioning parts in their bodies.

Sharon Draper Writing.

I like all the decisions that Sharon Draper made when making Out Of My Mind.I like the way Sharon Draper was writing the book I Like her wording of the characters.Her descriptive sentences that creates imagery.She is expressive.Thank you Sharon Draper for creating out of my mind for us, and all the other disabled people and for helping us realize that disabled does not mean that they’re invisible or gone.Then you hooked the readers into the book.You can try to make the people.Reading the book understand that if you are disabled that does not mean your stupid or dumb you are smart and she tries to make people realize that.Thank you Sharon Draper for making Out Of My Mind and putting your brain into it so now we can see that disabled people can be the smartest person in the world even history even maybe for future generations.

Child Labor Blog Post

i think it was very hard on the people working in the factorys and very unfair for the children the children worked so hard and earn so little pay and adults earned more than children for the same working hours and the owners did not even care and even if they are a minute late they drop the pay its horrible.